Resume Preparation Tips:
When coming to resume preparation,
Our(Job seeker) target is :-
1)Resume has to reach the client.(Once it crossed all the middle layers, then only it will reach)
2)Resume has to shortlist at the client place.
3)Resume has to be impressive. Once client looks at ur resume, then he/she has to get the feeling that "Why cant we interview this candidate?"
To make the resume impressive, i will give some suggestions.
Resume outlook:-
2)Technical Skills
3)Certifications and Education
When the client sees your resume, He will read the summary of ur resume, so that he/she will get complete idea about your work.
I suggest to include around 10 to 15 points in summary. So the first page(full page or 75% page) tells about your summary.
Next section is skills :- Put all the skills you know.
Third section is certifications and education :- Even you dont have certiciations, you can put. They may ask when you wrote? what version? how much percentage you got.
Projects : This plays another main role in selecting ur resume.
I will give one example for this section.
Duration : <<May 2004 – Present>>
Project : <<project name>>
Client: <<client name>>
Senior J2EE Developer
Description : << You can tell in detail when they ask about the project in the interview. >>
.Involved in gathering business requirements from the client.
.Involved in preparing detail design document for the <<some>> module.
.Created class diagrams and sequence diagrams using Eclipse
.Created action classes, form classes for module <<some>> using struts framework.
.Created jsps for <<some>> module and tested those pages by deploying them in wsad.
.Used design patterns like MVC, Singleton, Business delegate
.Used ANT as build tool.
.Used Hibernate for mapping objects to the relational database.
. etc.. it is good to have around 10 points atleast for each project.
Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, STRUTS, EJB, WEBSPHERE, WSAD, ORACLE, Hibernate, ANT.
note: make sure that , you will not repeat the responsibility points in all projects.
The client will concentrate on last 3 projects.
Summary and Project responsibilities plays key role in selecting your resume.
What client expects from job seeker’s resume?
The client will see whether the candidate(client is going to interview..) has done the same type of job before or not. So the client is more specific in seeing your summary and responsibilities in your last few projects. <<If the client thinks that you did the same type of job in your previous projects then your resume will definetly select for the interview>>
What client expects from Jobseeker(while interviewing..)?
The client want to check with you, exactly regarding your work in ur previous projects.
So, in the interview, the most general questions are ,
1)tell about u
2)tell ur responsibilities in ur last project.
Once you answer these questions properly(and promptly), then the client will ask few tech. questions related to your work.
Other point, i forgot to highlight till now is:
Communication skills and Management skills.
These two are very important for a job seeker.
If your communication skills are good, then you are 50% selected.
Once you got the project and joined in the company, then Management skills concept will come into picture.
You need to show your management skills while u r at work.
I will give some examples.
1)Always make sure that you need to behave like experienced professional. You need to manage like that.
Dont tell to your colleagues also, even they became friends.
2)Even some guys ask some tech. questions, tell them that you are not sure. dont tell "NO"/"Dont know" answer to any question.
3)Easy going with all colleagues. Maintain good relationship with all team members, instead of doing ur work simply.
4)Update ur senior member(lead/manager) with ur work status.
5)sometimes ur colleagues may ask q’s like when u came to usa? etc.. you have to be very careful .. because u put some exp. in the resume.
6)Dont get tensed at any time. Always behave like a experienced professional.
Finally i can say like this : you need to manage the work with ur communication skills.
So Communication and Management skills are very important.
I came across some situations, I am giving a few here.
Situation #1
In September 2003, I came across one student who waste his lot of time(around 9 months) by applying for jobs as fresher.
He know basic java, jdbc, servlets, jsp. I prepared his resume for 7 yrs experience. And also i prepared him for interview.
And i directed to some company. He got 3 offers in 2 weeks, which is very good break for him.
Situation #2
Just 2 hrs back, i came to know that, one student faced some bad experience at the client place.
That student learned some technology and put some exp. in resume and got selected and joined yesterday.
On the first day, the student is tensed, so the colleagues asked q’s like?
1)r u fresher?
2)when u came to usa?
So, please dont get tensed in the client place. Always assume that you have real experience.
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